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The Beauties & The Beast

by Anonymous By Necessity on August 2nd, 2010

or These Tassled Loafers Were Made For Walkin’

On my fourth call-back interview with Dewey Cheat’em & How, I was to meet with the CMO, after having been vetted once by the HR Department and twice by the Director of Marketing. On the scheduled day, I was retrieved from the reception area by the CMO’s secretary — a 6-foot tall, 100-lb, 20-something beauty in a black leather pencil skirt and 4-inch Christian Loboutins who was no doubt hired for her extraordinary word processing skills. As I followed her down the hall to his office, I couldn’t help but notice (1) how the red soles of her shoes caught the light as she performed that odd runway-style knees-up stride that resembles the walk of someone who has stepped in gum with both shoes, (2) that I looked like a troll trailing her and (3) that appearance was going to play a major role in this hiring decision. Nonetheless, my curiosity and aversion to rudeness trumped my job-dar, which was furiously signaling me to turn on my 2-inch Nine West heels and high-tail it outta there.

As expected, the 40-something CMO was a handsome fellow but apparently not convinced that his 6 ½ foot frame was already sufficiently intimidating visually.  So he arranged his body in the standard corporate “look how big and important and confident I am” pose: lean far back in the chair, clasp hands on head with elbows extended, place feet up on the desk, crossed at the ankles, the non-red soles of his shoes pointing directly into my face. (Message: I will crush you like the little dago bug you are.)

Yeah, sign me up to work for this cretin. To be fair, he did eventually acquiesce and put his feet under the desk where they belong but only after I repeatedly answered his questions by responding directly to the soles of his shoes–sort of like what his grandmother might do in a restaurant to signal him to stop being a rude little boy. I wondered if he presented the soles of his tasseled loafers to everyone or only to those approximately one-third smaller.  I did not need to wonder, though, who in the firm he’s shtupping.

Lesson learned: Job hunting success is heavily weighted toward those in the high-shtuppability percentiles. 


From → The Interviews

  1. Nancy permalink

    I had a young supervisor 2008-2009 like that. He sucked his way to a close personal relationship with the accounting administrator from Holland who ran this division of the company in America. Like I said don’t work for Dutch, or Greek, and possibly Canadian employers who have job sites here in the USA. First of all, they hate americans. They are just here to benefit thier own people. Anyway, this young man I answered to was NOT experienced or qualified enough to have the job as supervisor of supply chain, he got it by brown nosing and pushing out a lady who was older and who had been in the job for sometime. He was a master of “weakness” in management. He didn’t stick up for his own people, threw you under the bus when you worked your A off for him. He had no idea how to do things if the “brown nose” element couldn’t be part of it. He’d worked on a loading dock before, and been in the National Guard and run equipment. But the accounting administrator from Holland liked him. One of thos GUYS LIKE GUYS kind of work environments. Some sort of secret or in this case NOT SO secret societies. And the other coworker I had was a minority that reminded everyone of us daily that she was a minority. I did the work while all this positioning was going on. And , I’m the one that got laid off. This is why I want all foreign based companies out of our country. They don’t even operate as if there is any such thing as labor laws. They act like they are still back in the “old country”

  2. Nancy permalink

    Who he’s stupping in the firm!!!!!! That’s a good one. It wasn’t hard to guess was it. I worked with one of those for almost 7 years. Low cut blouses, no real desire to come to work other than to flirt with all the men. We worked in a department with about 25 men, only 2 women. One woman did all the work- that be me; the other – that be her- spent her time coming back in at night and on weekends to have trists with men in the parking lot, back of the store room, back seat of whoever’s car. Every time she had an affair with a diffenent one of the 25 men, she’d bring in more and more pictures of her two little girls and plaster them over her desk to prove what a really great mom she was. What a hoe she was. They kept her til just a few years ago and she was downsized.

    I was in the department before her. I will never forget when she came to work there. She informed me immediately that “she was prepared to win, and was prepared to do anything to win”. Can we say SLUT boys and girls. This department was a maintence /facilities department. I remember , one of the men , who was a friend of mine saying to me one day. That he didn’t have much respect for her and knew how I felt. I replied to him” well if she’s going to climb to the top of the company by sleeping with the entire maintenance and facilities department first, she’ll be VERY tired by the time she get’s to the top”.

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