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Introduction to The Rogues Gallery of Whacko Bosses

by Anonymous By Necessity on August 10th, 2010

or Does Being a Marketing Exec Make You Crazy or Do Only Crazy People Become Marketing Execs?

Over the way too many years I’ve been in marketing, I’ve had far more than my share of crazy bosses, so I know whereof I speak. When I think back and review my encounters (a painful exercise, to be sure), I’m amazed that I’m still able to function at all considering the complete loons I’ve had to contend with. Which begs the BIG question: Does being a marketing exec make a person crazy or do only crazy people become marketing execs?

What does this have to do with my recent job search experiences?

I not sure exactly but I contend there has to be some sort of connection between crazy marketing execs and the crazy behavior exhibited by marketing departments during the interview process.  Having spent 99% of my working life in some sort of marketing capacity, my experiences are concentrated within that discipline. I’m sure other functional areas have seen their share of crazy bosses, but based on conversations with friends and colleagues, the whacko personality quotient is not nearly as high in other disciplines, like say, IT. I could be wrong here.

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